Monday 25 February 2019

Another Four Foot Snake Thing - 2019

So up towards the nosebleeds a little group of lads pulled together to bring us a two day tournament.
They slowly dripped the news in on of the event to get the juices flowing, casting their little worms far and wide to see who would nibble.

They teased us with prizes

Monday 18 February 2019

Beachhead KoW Tournament

So get a message out of the blue from Matt Dewsnap (we have been collaborating on something else in the background). 
Help we have had some drop outs, can you come to our tournament.

Giants to the rescue.

After an initial mess-up of arriving well in time, but at the wrong address, all was sorted and arrived at the Venue. Bournemouth International Centre.

The tournament was being hosted By Entoyment and Warborne Gamers Club 2019 inside a gaming conference, with lots of stalls selling plastic crack and bits. There was also board-games being sold and played in various areas, a giant sized version of Hey that's my Fish and what looked like SAGA, X-wing, Bolt Actions tournaments also running. A large KoW siege battle was played inside the centre.

The format for the tournament was

  • Round 1: Kill 1000pts 30min
  • Round 2: Ransack 1000pts 35min
  • Round 3: Invade 2000pts 45min
  • Round 4: Control the portal (Dominate with a twist) 2000pts 45min

So what did I bring?

1k list

  • x2 Warband reg
  • x1 Bloodsworn reg with lifeleech
  • x1 Devourer with Breath attack
  • x1 Cavern Dweller
  • x1 Frost Giant

2k list

  • x4 Warband reg
  • x2 Warband reg with Crushing Strength
  • x3 Cavern Dwellers
  • x2 Frost Giants
  • x1 Frost Giant with Blizzard

Round 1 Kill

Played against Robert Way, a nice young fella with Kingdoms of Men army.
Was a bloody brutal (well would have been more if i remembered Frosties are Brutal).
i took out his two Chariots first and then set to work on the rest of the army.
The grind was won by the Giants killing great swathes of the puny men.

Round 2 Ransack

Drawn against Moonraker Paul Fox and met his Spongebox awesomeness of the Trident Realms.
Wow, i hate ensnare.
Giants got utterly pounded into the dirt.
Multicharging, flanking and trying to slam through just did not work with ensnare costing a lot of potential hits.
Ektar thingy was a pig and was toe to toe with a giant for most of the game.
Arse handed to me is understatement.
Nigh on tabled and did not kill a single unit!!
Loved every second of it.
Stupidly brutal.
Stupidly epic moments (esp managing to do a decent chunck of damage, failing the nerve roll and then it ALL regens!).
You know its going to be one of those games, when the Giant delivery system (Warband regs) do more damage than the giants.

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Jack of Herts 2

So back at Jack, an excellently run tournament by Mat Green and Paul Roberts.
Army build were limited to 1700 points, which made unit selection tight and rule of 2 was enforce.
With the date of the tournament rapidly approaching the threat of Yellow Snow emerged, yep not got a scooby either what yellow snow is, unless its for piss poor snow.

Sleep What Sleep

Crunch time approached and forgot to go to sleep before the day! Going to bed at 4:30am cause your too wired to sleep is not cool when you need to get up for 6:30.
Oh well joy oh joy.
First coffee going in almost intravenously.
Pack Car.
More Coffee (maybe should point out I don't use a spoon to measure coffee in my LARGE mug, but as long as can no longer see the bottom of the mug, then that's just about enough coffee).
Grant arrives, so we head off on snow free roads, making up good time, so good a Mc D's brekkie was in order.
Then we arrive at Jack of Herts 2 in hemel Hempstead.

7 glorious tables with various mixes of terrain and also some epic Vanguard tables for a separate consecutively run Vanguard tourney.
General greetings with Mat and Paul, the PIT crew and faces old and new that I have met at other tournaments (not all I have played yet).

Go big or go home!

So I like building lists from an idea, be it great or dumb, i will build to that list.
So Idea was Giants, lot of Giants I want bug striding giants with D6 attacks and lots of Crushing.
But what about Inspiring, pah, what about it, overrated i want Giants.
But which Army??
Well I have Gobbos, but none are painted and most are unbuilt, but more importantly, they are somewhere, not sure where but I put them down (about 3K points worth) in the house but now cannot find em.
So Kingdom of men, hmm I have the minis for it somewhere and mix in my Barbarians, yep contender.
Orcs, I dont have enough models to field the unlocks
Ogres, I possibly have enough ogres or ogresish models, but not feeling it.
Varangur, hmm Love the nuttiness of going giant with the Varangur, I have my northern Alliance, hmm, I also have a load of Bassila men at arms ripe for conversion. Interest pipped. Yep Varangur.
So I have 5 giants so what flavour are they can can I get them all in? Can i go full mantic?
Hmm cool challenge.
So get to converting a load of men at arms to Varangur with various head and arm swaps.
and start building the list in..oh easy army not updated yet.. scrap paper, in head, pseudo builds with standins in EasyArmy.
I come up with:
  • Varangur
    • x2 Warband reg
    • x2 Warband reg with CS1 and lower def
    • x2 Cavern Dwellers
    • x1 Frost Giant
    • x1 Frost Giant with Blizzard
  • Orc allies
    • x1 Axe Reg (which I used the northern alliance Hurscurls for)
    • x1 Colossal Giant
Yep no inspiring, but a Giant delivery system within 1700pts