Monday, 18 February 2019

Beachhead KoW Tournament

So get a message out of the blue from Matt Dewsnap (we have been collaborating on something else in the background). 
Help we have had some drop outs, can you come to our tournament.

Giants to the rescue.

After an initial mess-up of arriving well in time, but at the wrong address, all was sorted and arrived at the Venue. Bournemouth International Centre.

The tournament was being hosted By Entoyment and Warborne Gamers Club 2019 inside a gaming conference, with lots of stalls selling plastic crack and bits. There was also board-games being sold and played in various areas, a giant sized version of Hey that's my Fish and what looked like SAGA, X-wing, Bolt Actions tournaments also running. A large KoW siege battle was played inside the centre.

The format for the tournament was

  • Round 1: Kill 1000pts 30min
  • Round 2: Ransack 1000pts 35min
  • Round 3: Invade 2000pts 45min
  • Round 4: Control the portal (Dominate with a twist) 2000pts 45min

So what did I bring?

1k list

  • x2 Warband reg
  • x1 Bloodsworn reg with lifeleech
  • x1 Devourer with Breath attack
  • x1 Cavern Dweller
  • x1 Frost Giant

2k list

  • x4 Warband reg
  • x2 Warband reg with Crushing Strength
  • x3 Cavern Dwellers
  • x2 Frost Giants
  • x1 Frost Giant with Blizzard

Round 1 Kill

Played against Robert Way, a nice young fella with Kingdoms of Men army.
Was a bloody brutal (well would have been more if i remembered Frosties are Brutal).
i took out his two Chariots first and then set to work on the rest of the army.
The grind was won by the Giants killing great swathes of the puny men.

Round 2 Ransack

Drawn against Moonraker Paul Fox and met his Spongebox awesomeness of the Trident Realms.
Wow, i hate ensnare.
Giants got utterly pounded into the dirt.
Multicharging, flanking and trying to slam through just did not work with ensnare costing a lot of potential hits.
Ektar thingy was a pig and was toe to toe with a giant for most of the game.
Arse handed to me is understatement.
Nigh on tabled and did not kill a single unit!!
Loved every second of it.
Stupidly brutal.
Stupidly epic moments (esp managing to do a decent chunck of damage, failing the nerve roll and then it ALL regens!).
You know its going to be one of those games, when the Giant delivery system (Warband regs) do more damage than the giants.

Let there be lunch

So after an epic win, followed by a greater epic loss we break for lunch.

So mooching around time.

Saw lots of bits, that I genuinely wanted to pop back to and buy.

Round 3: Invade

After the pounding before I was paired up with Matt Dewsnap's Undead.
Some cracking moves played, and nice surge shenanigans.
But undead died another death and got crushed under the large feet of the giants.
I had 1 second to go for the start of turn 6, so just clicked it back without the second going.

Round 4: Protect the portal - "Dominate"

So this scenario is a special, and is based off of Dominate, but with an additional rule, that within 6" of the centre of the table (where the portal was), any unit more thank half in the zone gains CS+1 and Stealthy.
Here i met the 2nd Moonraker in attendance, John Guns, who had brought his Abyssal's.
The arch enemy to the forces of Varangur.
Managed to gain Crushing Strength 5 at one point, yes I know it has no real use, but I had CS5 :D
Foiled the Abyssals plan on bringing in nightstalker allies, but having no inspiring for them to steal.
This was a great tactical game with key losses both sides, but was out manoeuvred and outplayed by the elegant John Guns.
At one point was a three way attack that was a case of who will take my botty, which unit brought lube.


I came 5th and gained the Counter Charger award

1st: Paul Fox

2nd: John Guns

3rd: Christopher Dwane

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