Sunday 28 April 2019

Easter Endurance - 5 Game KoW Tournament

27th April

Hosted by Warborne Gamers
Hosted at Entoyment Wargaming and Hobby Centre

So an interesting concept was devised by Matt Dewsnap to pull in 5 games in one day.
x2 games at 1000pts 30min per game
x1 game at 1500pts 40min per game
x2 games at 2000pts 40 then 45 min per game

So a 5 round tourney in a day, hmm

So after a 2 1/2 hr drive with top down come sun, wind or rain I arrive at Entoyment.

My Lists.


x2 Direfang Hordes with Fury gift and one with iron resolve artifact
Cavern Dweller
Frost Giant with Blizzard


x3 Warband
Direfang Hordes with Fury gift
x2 Cavern Dweller
Frost Giant with Blizzard
Frost Giant with Hex


x6 Warband
x3 Cavern Dweller
x3 Frost Giant one with Blizzard

Round 1: Dominate

Opponent: Kerry Dewsnap
Race: Nature
Tight game, and started my roll of double ones that went through the day.
Two in this round alone.
Very good tap dance ensured with both our unit Strength cancelling out each other.
Result: Draw