Tuesday, 11 February 2020

The Withdrawal method

Right, there are some funny shenanigans with the Withdrawal method.

Take a typical multi charge against an in line formation.
  1. Orange Charges Blue, middle horde is multi charged by three units
  2. Orange moves forward till contact
  3. Then Orange shuffles to final place sharing frontage
  4. Blue Survives and Counter Charges Orange

    The two Inf Reg are “nudged” back to show they are not engaged.
  5. Orange retaliates

    But wait, the two Inf Reg can no longer charge the Middle Inf Horde as they are in the flank, also they cannot charge the end hordes as they are also in the Flank.

    The two Inf reg do not get a free Withdraw as they are not engaged, therefore cannot move back for them to be in the front arc.
The situation is of the Oranges making, not Blue, so no Blocked in Charge rule, so Inf Reg would need to either stay put and not charge, or move back to be able to charge next turn.

If Blue had killed the Mon Inf Reg and stayed put rather than D3 back, then the situation would be of the Blues making, so Blocked in charge rule would take effect.

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