Thursday 5 March 2020

Can Top Table play and end up 1st and 2nd?

I always found it odd that in a lot of tournaments the last round is the odd one.
Going into that round you have current 1st vs 2nd, 3rd vs 4th etc.
But then depending on the result of that final game, 1st could win and become 3rd or 4th (Depending on how close the ones below were and if they won better), the previous 2nd position can plummet down the table.
It always seemed odd that the "top" table were not playing for 1st and 2nd.
Even odder, rarely has the final 1st and 2nd played each other throughout the tournament.
Now this is a symptom of every Swiss ranked tournament, and they are great as everyone is using the same scoring metric etc.
But got me thinking, are there alternatives and are they workable?