Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Can the Scenarios be balanced?

1st off I like the different dynamics of the 12 different scenarios, but balancing the scoring of them for tournaments is a bastard.

Blackjack Scoring System tries to do this by forcing them into 4TP variance according to a variable gap depending on scenario.

Northern Kings Scoring System tries to do this by positive scoring up to 5VP, but also means losing scores can vary greatly with some scenarios never being able to score as high as other scenarios.

Herts Scoring System does not combine other parts into an overall TP, but uses Scenario VP, Kills, Attrition and Strength of Schedule as deciders.

  • Not all scenarios score the same
  • Not all scenarios have the same max table VP
  • Not all scenarios have the same max winning VP
  • Not all scenarios have the same max losing VP
  • Not all scenarios have the same highest winning VP if losing VP is at max
  • Not all scenarios have the same highest draw score
So can the scenarios be balanced?
Short answer - yes
For the how, read on.....

Sunday, 12 July 2020

Do Giants sleep at night?

My name is Mark and I have a Giant problem.......
I own 10 or 11 Mantic Giants (including Frost and Shadow variations), most have been customised to greater or lesser degrees.
I have run several lists through version 2 and 3 of Kings of War with anything from 2 to 7 Giants in a 1000 to 2000 point list.
I also have several other non-mantic giants, and more on the way.
So what is the problem?
Nope its not that I have too many, or not enough, its that people think Giants are shit.

What is a Giant?

Well for me there are a few points that means something is a Giant:
  • Size: either Monster or Titan
  • Strider: A giant would never be interrupted in its attack by such mundane things such as forests or bushes
  • Lots of Crushing: CS3 or more, being successfully hit by a giant should leave a mark
Brucie bonus if their attacks area Random number, as consistency is not the Giants strength.

We're all giants, I can't believe it. 
We were giants all along

So what things are "giants" then?

There are 14 different types of "giants", across 20 different factions.