As people seem to love the Area type scenarios, I had a little think, well I was having a shit and thought of a few ideas for some Area type scenarios.
Hold the Flanks v1
As per Dominate, but the ball is split and put on each edge of the table so you have a 12" semi Circle from the center line coming in from each flank
- Most Scoring Unit Strength overall wins
Balancing issues
Hold the Flanks v2
As per Dominate, but rectangle scoring zones 12" by 24" in each flank
- Most Scoring Unit Strength overall wins
Balancing issues
Flank n Frontier
As per Dominate/Invade, flank zones are 12” from the Edges outside of deployment zones.
- 2VP for each flank zone you control ,
- 1VP for the opposite three zones
Balancing issues
Balancing issues
- Max Table VP = 10VP
- Max Win = 7VP
- Max Loss = 5VP
- Max Draw = 5VP
Capture the corners
As per Dominate, but the ball is split and put on each corner edge of the table so you have a 12" quarter Circle from the corners coming in from each flank
- Most Scoring Unit Strength overall wins
Balancing issues
Double Domination
As per Dominate, but two 12" scoring zones set 12" from the the edges of the centre line
- Most Scoring Unit Strength overall wins
Balancing issues
Centre Invasion
As per Control/Invade, but the only scoring zone is the opposite middle 24" square
- Most Scoring Unit Strength overall wins
Balancing issues
Controlled Invasion
As per Control, but the only opposite side scores
- 3VP for opposite middle 24" square you control
- 2VP for the other two opposite 24" squares you control
Deep Invade
As per Invade, but the opposite deployment zone scores double the unit Strength
- Score the units Unit Strength for your units in opposite half of the table
- Score double the units Unit Strength for your units in opposite deployment zone
- Most Scoring Unit Strength overall wins
Balancing issues
See Balancing Invade
Hold the line
As per Invade/Dominate, but the scoring zone is 6" either side of the centre line (12"x table width scoring zone in total)
Balancing issues
Hold the line v2
As per Invade/Control, but the middle 12" (6" from each side from centre line scores)
- 3VP for middle rectangle you control
- 2VP for the other two rectangle you control
There are potentially more than the books three Area Scenarios that can be played, each of these would need testing, as some may overly penalise one faction over another.
But as an opening salvo there is room to expand the Area Scenarios.
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