Saturday 31 October 2020

Can Kings of War work in a cavern?

I had a thought, yep I know that's strange and dangerous thing.

What if some of the battles were underground, how would that work? 


Thursday 15 October 2020

CoK among the Hens - Shooting revisited


So with the new CoK coming out and changes from irregular to regular on a chunk of shooting units.

I thought it time to revisit the Shooting stats and see what's shaken up.

Cost per inches is a way to distinguish differences in ranges into a single metric


Successful Hits = 1/6 number of attacks (ie each dice face) added together (ie RA3+ would be 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6) plus if elite 1/6 rerolled and hits added), Movement penalties increase the RA value, if over 6 then RA6 at Half attacks

Friday 2 October 2020

Richard Miles' Love Pods

Richard Miles posed a cool question with events running in social pods of 6, so an 18 player event would be 3 pods.

How do you rank them at the end of the event?

So it got me a pondering, 

And I Ponder
I pah-pah-pah-pah-ponder
Why, why, why, why, why how to set it.

Thursday 1 October 2020

Tournament Systems - comparisons

 With tournaments starting to re-open it got me thinking again on the different tournament scoring systems.

Majority of systems use a combined pointage system, ie Clash of Kings, Northern Kings and BlackJack or variations of these, with tie breakers an after thought.

Others are designed with the tie breakers in mind upfront and use a football style scoring for the result.

There are pros and cons with each system.

Example Results