Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Some more Scenario Ideas

 Got thinking on some more Scenario ideas

Capture the Flag

Place 2 sets of 3 Loot Tokens 6 inches from the center line

Place 1 Central Objective Token in the middle of the table

You cannot pick up the loot tokens that were set up on your side of the table.
Ie Red player cannot pick-up Blue Tokens, Blue Player cannot pick-up red tokens
If a unit is killed in melee with a token, the token is dropped to the floor.

Objective is to grab the loot tokens from the other side of the table and return them to your deployment area

Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows:
  • 1 Victory Point if you control the Central Objective Marker
  • 1 Victory Point for each Loot Counter you hold outside of your deployment area.
  • 2 Victory Points for each Loot Counter you hold inside of your deployment area.

Barren or Fertile lands

This scenario use 8 buff counters (each player has one 2, one 1 and two 0's) and a Loot Counter
The Loot Counter is placed in the exact centre of the board (or as close to it along the centre line as possible).
After rolling off to choose sides, roll off to see who places the first Bluff Counter. The players take it in turns to place one Bluff Counter of their choice (marked side down) fully on their opponent's half of the board, following the same placement restrictions as Objective Markers.

The Bluff Counters are treated as Loot Counters.

When a Player Picks up a Bluff Loot Counter, the value of it is then revealed to both players.

Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows:
    • 1 Victory Point for the centre Loot Counter that you hold
    • 1 Victory Point for each Bluff Counter marked with a 1 that you hold
    • 2 Victory Points for each Bluff Counter marked with a 2 that you hold

    Bluff Counter marked with a 0 are not worth any VP.

    Kill Zone

    Place 2 objective markers 12" from the table edge along the center line. Each Score 1VP for controlling it

    Kill zones are 24" from the table edge and the area between 6" and 12" from the center line
    Think of them as shrunken Middle Section Control Zones
    Box within the Middle 24" section, 12" from center line to 6" from Center Line (ie a 6" rectangle just outside the middle Deployment Zone are the Kill Zones
    One your side scores 2VP
    One Opponents Side scores 3VP

    Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows:
      • 1 Victory Point for each Objective Marker you Control
      • 2 Victory Points for controlling the Kill zone on your side of the table
      • 3 Victory Points for controlling the Kill zone on the opposite side of the table

      Total Recall

      Three 3" radius scoring zones inside three 9" radius scoring zones.
      To score a zone the majority (more than 50% of the unit) must be within that zone.
      A unit cannot contest multiple zones, and if 50% straddling both zones then is counted as in the lower VP zone.
      A Zone is controlled by the highest Unit Strength in that zone. The table has a maximum of 9 available VP.
      2VP if majority inside the 3" zone (6" diameter)
      1VP if Majority within the 9" zone (18" diameter)
      Cannot use the same unit to score both zones, you are either in one or the other (If 50/50 between both, then the 1VP zone)

      Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows:
        • 1 Victory Point for each 9" zone you Control
        • 2 Victory Points for each 3" zone you Control

        Scavenge revised

        Place one Objective Marker in the centre of the table. Then each player places one more Objective Marker on the centre line, rolling off to see who places theirs first.

        At the start of each player's turn, if they control one of the Objective Markers they may choose one of their non-wavering units controlling the objective to scavenge a Loot Counter. The unit receives a Loot counter and follows the normal rules for carrying Loot as per the Loot scenario. In this scenario, units may not carry more than one Loot Counter.

        If a unit Routs an enemy unit that is carrying Loot in melee, they may elect to destroy the Loot and remove it from the table rather than picking it up.

        Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows:

        • 1 Victory Point for each Loot Token you hold.

        Balancing scenarios to 7 Victory Points available on the table

        Calculate Victory Points for each player and add together

        If equal to or less than 7 Victory Points, then convert to VP for each player

        If more than 7 Victory Points on the table at the end
        • If only one player scored more than 7 Victory Points then winner gets 7VP
        • If both players have Victory Points then work out the gap between Victory Points
          • If 0 gap then draw both gain 3VP
          • If 1 or 2 gap then winner gets 4VP and loser gets 3VP
          • If 3 or 4 gap then winner gets 5VP and loser gets 2VP
          • If 5 gap or more then winner gets 6VP and loser 1VP

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