Sunday, 12 May 2019

Enter the Fray
hosted by Clive Stone at Tabletop Republic at High Wycome
1K Kings of War Tournament
When 11th May 2019

Clive the sales doohdar from Mantic, wanted to build and help the stores that Mantic products are sold at.
Together with Tom who owns Tabletop Republic pulled together a 1000pts Kings of War tournament.

This is an interesting point size, as each unit is key. Played out on a 4x4 tables.

16 merry souls rocked up to High Wycome and set our armies out.

14 different armies, a very nice spread.

  1. Abyssal Dwarfs x2
  2. Basileans
  3. Dwarfs
  4. Emipre of Dust
  5. Forces of the Abyss
  6. Goblins
  7. Kingoms of Men
  8. Nightstalkers
  9. Orgres
  10. Ratkin
  11. Trident Realm x2
  12. Twilight Kin
  13. Undead
  14. Varnagur

My List

Well keeping with the giant theme that has been fun so far:

  • Horde of Direfangs with Fury gift
  • Horde of Direfangs with Fury gift and iron resolve toy
  • Cavern Dweller
  • Frost Giant and Blizzard

So a nice fluffy list then

Round 1: Invade

Opponent: Rob Phipps
Army: Abyssal Dwarves
Met Rob a few times at different Tournaments, but this was the first time playing him.
This was a tough game, with my units slamming into his Earth Elemental type things, a Horde of fangs taking a diversion to chew on and spit out some halfbreeds.
But Contrition got the better of me.
Abyssal Dwarves wiping out the lonely Frost Giant on the last turn with the last remaining Elemental monster.
BUT with no legs left to get into my half of the board.

Result: Draw
Tabled but held for draw, happy days.

Round 2: Control

Opponent: Richard Massie
Army: Trident Realms
Control on 4x4 is very different, only 4 zones not 6, with the zone on your right being the 2VP for the opponent.
So we meet again.......
Richard having been berated by Matt James and Dave Musgrave for his naked Varangur with all their bits bouncing about, changed to Trident Realms.
But this is Richard, so a naked Siren was included.
Tight game with deaths abound.
Richard was Siren calling my Frost Giant to ensure it could not cast Blizzard, but unwittingly dragged me into charge arc. So Frosty had a little fun down the beach playing with Crabs, till they broke.
Double 1ed a horde of tidal swarm, they should have been dead man, dead, they had no wound left, but somehow found their furry little courage and went back in for a last hurrah. 
Crabby the crab crab scurried off and claimed the 2VP area, disengaging from the Giant.
So the Fangs claimed my 2VP area and Frosty having been disengaged by combat, moved to claim the opposite side 1VP area

Result: Win

Round 3: Dominate

Opponent: Mat Green
Army: Kingdoms of Men
King of Herts vs Shroud of the Reaper
We have played each other at least once before with very different lists and armies.
So rematch.
This time I will not fall off the chair.

Bugger, for a bloke that plays Historical Fanatics, how could I have forgotten how hard Bezerkers hit.
Yes they hit the tempter.
But they hit it above average.
They hit way above average.
30 attacks hitting on 3s, wounding on 4s (they have CS1), somehow equaled 22 wounds!!!
Yep that spannered the plan.

My Planned repy of Flank charging them with the Frost Giant, worked well up until I picked up the dice and fluffed it...
Oh dear, of very dear.
This is going to hurt.
Mat pounced.

The final point was the Cavern dweller being hit on both flanks and rear charged, 39 wounds
Game over man, Game over
Every unit of Mats was massively wounded.
But wounded is not dead.
Wounded is not kill points.
Wounded means it becomes a total loss.

Result: Loss, massive Loss

39 wounds - ouch, If i survived it would have been a great Re-gen roll

Round 4: Kill

Opponent: Alun Ryan-Ramirez
Army: Dwarves

Never met Alun before and he is a lovely chap.
He made a mistake by blocking terrain, by moving slightly too far forward, and exposed his Flank to a crafty Carvern Dweller.
One Horde of Frost Fangs steam rolled trough some Rangers and then started to make its way around the back of his army.
The other Fangs, Frosty and Dweller just started to take apart the Dwarves.
Having been humiliated by Human men, they were not going to be beaten by some half man stunties.

Dwarves feeling the brunt of the fang and giant fury buckled and managed to take out the frost giant, before succumbing to the abuse of the fangs.

Result: Win


I managed to grab 9th place.


Nice day out, was also cool to have people come into the shop for a chat with the owner and to look at the games.

Hope Tom will run further events, and Clive continues to trying to expand the Mantic verse.

Not to mention it was also Jon Quayle and Rusty Shackleford's birthday, which Grant Alexander supplied cake for (blatant sportsmanship bribery).
Daniel Graves dragging in passerbys to provide the final call on the painting comp draw between two people (Tom Culleton's Zombie Dragon won).

I really must look at the points of each unit, and not treat the most expensive unit as sacrificial "chaff".

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