Sunday 30 August 2020

Eats Shoots n Leaves

 So as usual the bitchfest has never stopped around shooting in Kings of War.

"nerfed too far" - some person

"shooting is dead" - yet another whiner

"Elves are shit" - a pointy ear fanboy

"Waghh Waghh Waghh" - other cry babies

So what is the actual shit on this?

Is shooting dead?

Well I thought sod it, i'm awake and bored, so I pulled the stats for every shooting unit (not hero/monster/war engines) at each size to compare the stats.

I looked at raw damage output, taking into consideration Elite, Vicious and Piercing

I also costed out the price per wound including half the cheapest unlocking unit for the irregular units.

So what gives?

There are 181 different shooting units across all factions, including the various different sizes and upgrade options that effect the shooting damage output.

63 different named shooting units including the upgrade options

So unit count wise shooting is far from dead.

Which units put out the most damage?

RAW Damage

Abyssal Dwarfs and Ratkin Slaves Decimator Hordes pack the biggest punch by far.

Elves/Twiglet Kin are down at 21st with Therennian Sea Guard horde

The Too Grateful Undead

Well I think it comes as no surprise that the undead are one of the most robust factions, with the only real limitations being they only have one monster and one war engine.

With a massive 12 unlocking units or 19 different unlocking sizes and only 3 irregular units, a fair few consider them OP.

Me I think they just need splitting into two.

With the inclusion of Keywords this is quite easy to see the shape of each faction.

Thursday 13 August 2020

Irregular arguments

Seeing some of the bitchfest which goes on with FB fanatics, bemoaning about irregular units, I thought I would investigate it a bit and see what the friggin issue is.

First off what is an Irregular unit?

Well, an irregular unit is a unit that is marked with an * after its name.

That little star means it no longer unlocks any Hero/Monster/Titan/War Engines or Troops. It also means it counts as a troop for the unlocks, so you need a non * to unlock it and shove it in your army.

Also irregular units cannot be taken as allies, for those who are shit generals and need the crutch of allies.


Across all factions:
  • There are between 5 and 12 different unlocking unit types
  • Between 6 and 19 actual unlocking units (including Reg, horde & Legions)
  • The cheapest unlock ranges between 75 to 200pts
  • Number of irregular unit types in a faction range from 1 to 8

So what…