Sunday 30 August 2020

The Too Grateful Undead

Well I think it comes as no surprise that the undead are one of the most robust factions, with the only real limitations being they only have one monster and one war engine.

With a massive 12 unlocking units or 19 different unlocking sizes and only 3 irregular units, a fair few consider them OP.

Me I think they just need splitting into two.

With the inclusion of Keywords this is quite easy to see the shape of each faction.


The faction to contain from the undead any unit with any of the following keywords: 
  • Revenant, 
  • Skeleton, 
  • Phantasm, 
  • Heretic
This would then give you:

7 unlocking unit types
  • Zombies
  • Zombie Trolls
  • Skeleton Warriors
  • Skeleton Spearmen
  • Revenants
  • Revenant Cavalry
  • Wraiths
2 irregular
  • Skeleton Archers*
  • Wights*
The following Hero/Monster/Titan/War Engines
  • (M) Goreblight
  • (W) Balefire Catapult
  • (H) Revenant King
  • (H) Revenant on Undead Great Burrowing Wyrm 
  • (H) Revenant King on Undead Great Flying Wyrm 
  • (H) Undead Army Standard Bearer
  • (H) Liche King
  • (H) Necromancer
  • (H) Mhorgoth the Faceless[1]
Not a pants base list for basically a Skeleton/Zombie army

Underworld Hammer Horror

The faction to contain from the undead any unit with any of the following keywords:
  • Vampiric, 
  • Zombie, 
  • Cannibal, 
  • Heretic, 
  • Mummy, 
  • Beast, 
  • Lycanthrope
Would give you:

This would then give you:

7 unlocking unit types, 
  • Soul Reaver Infantry
  • Soul Reaver Cavalry
  • Zombies
  • Zombie Trolls
  • Ghouls
  • Mummies
  • Werewolves
1 irregular
  • Deathpack*
The following Heros
  • (H) Vampire on Undead Pegasus
  • (H) Vampire Lord
  • (H) Vampire on Undead Dragon
  • (H) Lady Ilona[1]
  • (H) Ghoul Ghast
  • (H) Necromancer
  • (H) Mhorgoth the Faceless[1]
  • (H) Cursed Pharaoh
  • (H) Lykanis
Again not a pants base list for basically a a cool Vampire/Hammer Horror army

Final Farts

Yep I know this is probably a full on none-starter, but with the keywords these two are quick and easy to split the largest of all factions, the undead into two functional and still good factions.

The Javis undead I would use the Re-animators split theme

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