Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Are Ratkin Slaves Shit?

Ratkin Slaves is an odd theme list, are they an Abyssal Dwarf list with Ratkin or a Ratkin list with Abyssal Dwarfs?

From rules perspective it is a theme list from the Abyssal Dwarfs, meaning you cannot ally in Abyssal Dwarfs with the theme, but oddly you can ally in their free bretherin the Ratkin, from a fluff perspective that is quite jarring, esp as the Ratkin tore apart their Abyssal Dwarven masters during The Great Revolt.

I chose to play Ratkin Slaves, at it seemed no other bugger was, and I wanted to find out if there was a “winning list”.

So whats in the list?

The Rating System

Unashemedly knicked from Elliot

Each unit in the army is given a rating /10 using the scale below.

Note that the score given is how the unit compares to all other units in the game, not just compared to other units in the army. However, each unit should be considered in the context of this particular army e.g. a Phoenix in Salamanders may be rated differently to a Phoenix in the Forces of Basilea.


As units can behave differently at different sizes, and a role/score in one size may be vastly different to it in a different size.

Ratkin Slaves






/ 10



/ 10

Average Total


/ 10

Almost a direct copy from the Ratkin List, except only available in Regiments and Hordes, chaff unit competing for chaff spot, where a Reg of Slave Warriors can perform similar role, with a better threat.

Being Irregular, taking up a troop slot, for me in this faction, a pass

Slave Wretches





/ 10



/ 10

Average Total


/ 10

Available in Hordes and Legions only, these are flimsy chaff, at defense 2 they are excellent at absorbing Crushing Strength and Thunderous Charge, as they just don't care.

With Last Breath they can become a good risk/reward unit, as opponents will pause on hitting them in melee.

Being irregular they need unlocking and do not provide unlocks, also they have lower Unit Strength.

Last Breath is OK but not great, it could do with a minor tweak so it has a tiny bit more punch.

Slave Warriors





/ 10



/ 10

Average Total


/ 10

Available in Regiments and Hordes only, at Defense 4, they are sturdier units than the Wretches, 

With Last Breath they can become a good risk/reward unit, as opponents will pause on hitting them in melee.

Being irregular they need unlocking and do not provide unlocks, also they have lower Unit Strength.

If going to try and capitalise on Last Breath, then Slave Warrior Regiments are the cheapest way to maximise the units with Last Breath at 100pts a pop, compared to Wretches Horde at 130pts

Slave Tunnel Runners





/ 10



/ 10

Average Total


/ 10

Direct copy of the Ratkin Tunnel Runners, except have the Slave keyword, so can benefit from some hero's that affect Slave only.

The fast cav of the faction.

Although Troops are more nimble, they are using one of the Troops slots that are better used for Decimators/Last Breath units

Slave Nightmares





/ 10



/ 10

Average Total


/ 10

Direct copy of the Ratkin Nightmares, except hordes are 5pts cheaper and they lose the Rally 1 (which not sure Rally 1 would only cost 5pts), they also have the Slave keyword, so can benefit from some hero's that affect Slave only.

Hordes also benefit from the being able to unlock.

Slave Death Engine Impaler





/ 10

Direct copy of the Ratkin Death Engine Impaler, except have the Slave keyword, so can benefit from some hero's that affect Slave only.

Each time I try and add this to my lists, there is always something better to use the points on.


Abyssal Halfbreeds





/ 10



/ 10

Average Total


/ 10

Sort of competing with the Tunnel Runners for fast attacks, without the benefits from Rally support.

Not shit, but not wow either.

Again why bother with Troops, you need those unlocks for either Last breath units or Decimators.

Abyssal Halfbreed Champion





/ 10

This is a beast of a unit, but is fighting for the same hero slots.

Fast self inspiring hero/war engine hunter.

Or run it with the halfbreeds to give them an inspiring source that can keep up

Abyssal Dwarfs






/ 10



/ 10



/ 10

Average Total


/ 10

The basic Abyssal Dwarf, cracking for unlocks, esp the hordes that will unlock 4 Last Breath units.

Benefits from toys like Brew of Strength, Blessing of the Gods, Hammer of Measured force.

Abyssal Berserkers





/ 10



/ 10

Average Total


/ 10

I want to love these guys, IF they get in on combat they rip the opponent a new one, IF they get in.

Speed 5 with D3 Wild Charge stuntie, they have a good threat range, but lack a good defense so prone to being shot off the table

Immortal Guard





/ 10



/ 10

Average Total


/ 10

Troops – forget em, why even bother in this faction.

These are not bad as reg, unlocks the irregular units, Def5 and regen, these guys can hang about.

Shove the Throwing Mastiff for on em, always, as that’s just fun and nasty.

Brew of Strength or Hammer of measured force works well on these guys.

The only unit apart from the War Engine in the whole army that can benefit from the Iron-casters heal and inspiring.






/ 10



/ 10



/ 10

Average Total


/ 10

Fighting with the Last Breath units for unlock slots.

They are beasts

Hordes are really the only real option for these guys, they are beasts, but are irregular. 25 attacks in Melee or Range, 16" shooting threat. They can be avoided quite easily, but are one of the best area of denial units in the game.

The one shot Mobile Katsuchan, is not worth it esp with reload.






/ 10

Too slow to keep up with the slaves to have the Rally effective when needed.

Cheap inspiring source and Def5 cannot be sniffed at, but no punch either.






/ 10

Only thing stopping this unit from being an auto include, is that the infernal advance only affects Infantry (not Large Inf).

But as the Rat Slave faction is Inf heavy, this is a diamond unit for this faction.

Without the Infernal Advance, it is still a Def 6 mini beast.

Love this unit for this faction






/ 10

I want to like this unit, but its horseshit.

Inspiring for Hellforged only, Heal for Hellforged only, The only Hellforged in the list are Immortal Guards and the Katsuchan Rocket Launcher

Too pricy just for the Fireball

Even more pricy if using for Bane Chant or Lightening bolts

Hard pass

Direct copy from the Abyssal Dwarf list.

If not using Immortal Guard, then the heal and inspiring is wasted points, unless you use it to inspire/heal/protect the war engines.


Taskmaster on Chariot





/ 10

Speedy inspiring unit at 110points, give it rally at 125 and it can help the slaves.

Works better with Tunnel Runners/Nightmares as can be screened, with infantry it is poking its head over to be shot off.

Overmaster on Ancient Winged Halfbreed





/ 10

The only flying thing in the faction, it’s a dragon basically and can hit like a truck.

With it being able to be waivered and the cost pulls it from an Auto include.

Katsuchan Rocket Launcher



War Engine


/ 10

Abyssal Dwarfs have loads of War Engines, but they only trust those that command the Rats with one! One!

Of the War Engines the Abyssal Dwarfs have, this is the Meh one, but as the only War Engine this faction can take….

The change to the ignore cover rules hurt this a lot, with piercing 1 it is OK but not great, as with almost all war engines, singularly they are crap, but 2 or 3 and they average out.

With a suicide squad list, the war engines are used also for the final mop up on wounded units.

Legendary Units

Golekh Skinflayer





/ 10

 A Taskmaster on steroids, the only fully unique unit in the list, Very Inspiring to Slaves only, Rally 2 to Slaves only, with dread, pricy but awesome unit.

The trick is getting in into the zone where its flank are protected, but boosts the Slaves.

Army Total Average 6/10

So what makes this army unique?

You can make similar army to the Ratkin, but then where is the fun in that, may as well play Ratkin.
You can also make an all Abyssal Dwarf army, but may as well just pitch in and play Abyssal Dwarfs.

The uniqueness of the army is within 3 units and combining Stunties with Ratties.
  • Slave Wretches/Warriors for the Last Breath
  • Golekh Skinflayer.
  • Abyssal Dwarf n Ratkin combo

So are they shit?

They are tricky to use, defiantly not top tier, but there are effective builds within the list which you can win with.
They are a fun different army to play with - see the shock of 7 to 11 units that would explode in your opponents face.

Last Breath

Last Breath needs a tweak to be more effective, something like one or two of the following:
  1. Vicious, for the Last Breath only, as it is an Abyssal Dwarf contraption that explodes on them
  2. Change from Piercing 2 to Piercing 3, as they currently are multiple nerfed from the crystal
  3. Bring back the forced nerve check, I loved this rule before it was fixed in the FAQ within days of me highlighting that RAW it would force a nerve check, it did not change the games I had with the rule in place, but added to the risk to the opponent (esp a double 6 waiver). An the disheartening look in the players soul as they are not only forced to roll damage on their own units, but a nerve check....
  4. no reform, as they currently are multiple nerfed from the crystal
  5. 2D6, similar to the crystal, as they currently are multiple nerfed from the crystal
  6. 3D3, similar to the crystal, as they currently are multiple nerfed from the crystal
  7. various combo(s) of above

At 2300 points 

You can put out an effective army centered on Last Breath, using 3 Hordes of Blacksouls  with toys, for the unlocks, an Overmaster with Infernal Advance, the Overmaster on Winged Halfbreed, 3 War Engines and the rest made up of regiments of Slave Warriors with Last Breath.
The idea is a death by a thousand cuts suicide squad, the Slave Warriors take the hits, and the Blacksouls, War Engines and Winged Halfbreed mop up the wounded.
The bane of this list is regeneration and heal, as units end up unwounded more often than not.

Above or Below 2300 points 

You need to fully rethink, the Blacksouls with Last Breath spam, just does not cut it so well at lower points, and something else is needed above 2300points.
This is where build centered on Immortal Guards and Last Breath start gaining weight.
Mixed force of Nightmares and Tunnel Runners are better, with a smaller number of Last breath units, with this build type Golekh Skinflayer becomes a linchpin in the army.

Not tried a Halfbreed and Last Breath build yet as the lower defense/higher cost is off putting.

Main Builds

There are a few main build architypes, none are perfect and all have major limitations.

Slave Only

Build around Runners/Nightmares and Wretches/Warriors with Chariot hero's for back up, inspiration and Rallying

Last Breath

Max spam out of Last break units


Building around a few hordes of Decimators

Speedy bastards

Build around Halfbreeds and Runners

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